Welcome. Benvenuto. Bienvenue. Herzlich willkommen.


A-3400 Klosterneuburg, Niedermarkt 17-19

Tel. +43 2243 320 72, Fax: +43 2243 320 72 13

e-Mail: Info@Schrannenhof.at

Summer is here!


From a bycicle trip at the Danube river, wine at a local Heurigen, the "Mythos" Filmfestival, culture at our beautiful Klosterneuburg Abbey to the modern art exibition of the Albertina Klosterneuburg - all this and more awaits you this summer in Klosterneuburg!


Not only that but the most livable city in the world is only a short bus ride away. Vienna has a rich offer of outdoor events and locations from Filmfestival, Dance and Theater to beach bars, swimming spots any many more.


Our house with its historic ambiance from the 14th and 15th century offers the perfect starting point for a relaxing summer getaway. It is ideally located to reach the city centre of Vienna and the beautiful monastery of Klosterneuburg and all the beautiful places between!


We are looking forward to spent this spring season with our lovely guests and hope to see you (again) soon!

Veit family and the staff of the Schrannenhof

+ News + from + Hotel + Schrannenhof

Dear guests and friends of the Schrannenhof!


To ensure the best stay possible for our guests we have again invested in the comfort and the ecological substainability of our house.
Additional to the new comunication system with VOIP telephone, we have now a capacity of 30 kWp from our photovoltaic system, which let us produce more then 60% of our electicity ourselves. Also starting this week we offer a wallbox to charge electric cars in our backyard only for guests of our hotel.

And at last, we now offer a second cuddle-suite with private whirlpool for relaxing hours with your loved ones.

Visit us in Klosterneuburg for a few relaxing days and recharge your batteries with (renewable) energy!


We would like to thank the first guests of our charging station that received a bottle of sparkling wine as a souvenir at the official inauguration of the charging station.